‘Building Accessible Websites’

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Updated 2003.01.22

Reviews and interviews

Interview at Made for All: Part 1Part 2.
Interview at New Riders.
Well, Osprey dislikes most of the design of the book. As a fellow critic, I acknowledge that their opinions are fair game, but the following are not: They’ve got some factual errors on the accessibility of a book that’s not large-print, and they reprinted personal E-mail.
Bazzman (an Italian word? unrelated to Luhrmann?) seems to like the book.
Jonathon Delacour: “Although I hope by this point I’ve convinced you that Building Accessible Websites is comprehensive and full of practical advice, those are not the only reasons the book is worth buying and reading.... [I]t’s not just that he writes with great clarity and elegance. A large part of the book’s appeal is Clark’s refusal to pull any punches.... I did find myself reading Joe Clark’s book in bed and almost everywhere else in my house – as well as on the train and in a couple of my favorite restaurants. Building Accessible Websites is a considerable achievement: a thorough practical guide to Web accessibility that’s also a pleasure to read”
Robert Dean: “My friend Joe, the witty, intelligent and ‘glacially cool’ Canadian accessibility expert, has sent me an inscribed copy of his book Building Accessible Websites. It is as engaging, informative and amusing as the author himself and is likely to be one of the most entertaining texts on HTML ever produced. I highly recommend it”
“Ask an Expert About Web Site Accessibility” at Slashdot:
Well, how’s this for a rave? From Tristan Nitot:

Joe Clark, dans son livre Building Accessible Websites (en anglais), défriche le terrain, nous explique comment les handicapés de tous types utilisent l’outil informatique. Puis, loin de tout dogmatisme, Joe Clark démontre, point par point, que rendre un site accessible est plutôt simple, et même, pour l’essentiel, trivial. En 15 chapitres, à la fois faciles et très plaisants à lire; l’auteur explique comment résoudre les problèmes d’accessibilité liés aux hyperliens, au texte, aux images, à la navigation, aux tableaux, aux frames, aux couleurs employées, aux formulaires...

Le style employé, très vivant, fait qu’on dévore le livre comme un roman, qu’on peine à le poser tant on sent que l’on progresse pendant sa lecture, tout en étant diverti par le ton de l’auteur. Un livre indispensable pour qui écrit des pages web, ou en passe commande auprès d’un prestataire, d’autant que 2003 est l’année européenne de l’accessibilité.

Joe Clark réussi l’exploit de publier un livre sur un sujet à priori peu engageant, qui offre des conseils très concrets, immédiatement applicables, que l’on lit avec le sourire.

Pour tout vous dire sur la jubilation éprouvée à la lecture, je crois bien que c’est le premier livre d’informatique que j’embrasse après en avoir tourné la dernière page. :-)

“The style used – a very lively one – prompts you to devour the book like a novel.... Suffice it to explain the joy I had in reading that I’m sure this is the first technology book I kissed after turning the last page.”

I wish other boys loved me as much as Tristan does.

Alan Herrell:

Building Accessible Websites is a stunning book.... This book is not a theoretical discussion about the right thing to do, but a compelling guide to techniques and practices to enhance the ability of websites to convey their messages.... Joe Clark presents a powerful and relentless case for accessibility that needs to be read by every practitioner of website building.

Antonio Volpon interviews me for FucinaWeb: EnglishItalian

See also

What people are saying about Building Accessible Websites.